Lawrence et ses compagnons

Voici l’un des quatre engagements que nous vous proposerons dans le Kickstarter Revolt in the Desert : Lawrence et ses compagnons.
Here is one of the four pledges that we will be offering as part of the Revolt in the Desert Kickstarter: Lawrence and his companions.
- T.E Lawrence on a camel
- T.E. Lawrence on foot, Daud and Farraj on a camel
- Auda Abu Tayeh and his son on horseback
- Capitaine Rosario Pisani on foot (with burnous)
- Gasim with a camel.
- Rolls-Royce armoured car (Counlane Models) with Colonel Brighton.
Miniatures designed by Greg Girault, Miska Miniatures, Propylene Foliescu and Ron Courtes.